undefined Comments - 19 Dec 2011
                                                                AL DI MEOLA Jazz Rock/Fusion USA Intense, that's the best word to describe the character of the music that took hold at ...

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undefined Comments - 18 Dec 2011
                                          TANTALUS Prog Related  United Kingdom This band is undoubtedly one of the hallmarks of today's British Symphonic Progressive. The band's roots are very diverse. From classic prog s...

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вторник, 3 май 2011 г.




Very tempting to describe this 8-piece unit as some sort of Indonesian MR. BUNGLE. Less frantic in terms of style, they don't have a singer as mad as Mike Patton but they do match the band in terms of virtuosity, eclecticism and heaving rocking. DISCUS' material is stunningly complex and varied, alternating between changing time signatures and calm, contemplative moments, sometimes in a matter of ten seconds. In addition to traditional rock instruments, they play violin, clarinet, bass clarinet, sax, flute and a variety of ethnic percussion instruments.

Both of their albums,"1st" and "...Tot Licht" (released in 1999 and 2003 respectively), are a veritable patchwork of jazz, fusion, Sundan traditional and Balinese music, contemporary classical and classical chamber, pop, pop jazz, prog rock, heavy metal and dissonant avant-garde. In short, the band tackles just about every imaginable genre that lies between PINK FLOYD and WEATHER REPORT. The vocals follow a similar pattern, featuring both male and female vocalizations that can be normal one minute and hysterical the next. This band truly defies all categories but given half chance, their material provides an intriguing, powerful, challenging and tremendously rewarding experience.

Highly recommended to the open-minded listener and to fans of extreme avant-garde.



2003 - ... TOT LICHT


- Anto Praboe / lead vocals, suling (Bali, Sunda & Toraja), flute, clarinet, bass clarinet, Tenor saxophone
- Eko Partitur / lead vocals, violin
- Fadhil Indra / lead vocals, keyboards, electronic percussion, gongs, rindik, kempli, gender
- Hayunaji / vocals, drums, kempli
- Iwan Hasan / lead vocals, electric & classical guitars, 21 strings harpguitar, keyboards, guitalele & strummer violin
- Kiki Caloh / lead vocals, bass
- Krisna Prameswara / vocals, keyboards
- Nonnie / lead vocals

Additional Musicians:
- Andy Julias / acoustic steel string guitar on "P.E.S.A.N."
- Ombat Nasution of Tengkorak Growls on "Breathe"
- Godfried L. Tobing / Classical choir vocals on "Misfortune Lunatic"

Tracks Listing

1. System Manipulation (9:20)
2. "Breathe" (8:34)
3. P.E.S.A.N. (5:32)
4. Verso Kartini - door duisternis tot licht! (12:18)
5. Music 4.5 Players (7:40)
6. Anne (19:23)
Bonus track for Japan only
7. Misfortune Lunatic (6:09)

Total Time: 68:56


